Thursday 24 March 2011

An African adventure begins ...

Destination: Madagascar.

Why Madagascar, you may ask?

Well, it all began on a little island called Simeulue ... which you may have read about in my last few posts. My good German friend Anna and I were out kayaking on the beautiful little lagoons and bays of Simeulue one morning, discussing various issues as we did, when we began talking about places we've always wanted to visit, but didn't know why.

Places that intrigued us, allured us, made us want to visit ... for reasons we weren't really sure about. And we both agreed on one particular destination. Madagascar.

What was it that made us want to go there? All we knew about this exotic country was that it 1. was ecologically unique, with many plant and animal species that had evolved in isolation from the rest of anywhere else on the planet; 2. it was an island; 3. it was in Africa. Oh, and 4. some pretty cool animated films had been made about it. That was it.

So we decided that we should go there together, one day, after we'd both left Simeulue.

So that's where we're going. It's been almost two years since I was in Simeulue, but we're doing this!

I'm guessing I won't see any of these guys...

 ... but I am hoping to get to here:

The country looks AMAZING.
Oh, and did I mention that we'll also be spending some time in Kenya, and hopefull Uganda as well?
Let the adventures begin!
 ... and the good news: I leave in two days. Woohoo!

1 comment:

Sandeep Virdi said...

i'm hooked already... its strange without you around.

nehows, have you touched the ancient land of enchantment, yet.