Thursday 12 May 2011

How many people can you fit in a taxi brousse?

Official record: 25 adults and 8 children.

Official capacity: 14.


Considering Madagscar has so many police and military checkpoints - on approach and departure from almost every town - I often wondered whether any of the police or military officers at ANY of the checkpoints would stop us and say something, anything ... from a public safety perspective, perhaps? But we were always just waved through.

In this particular case, as we made our way from Ranohira to Ambalavao, and as you'd expect from such an overloaded vehicle, the engine gave way and we wondered whether we'd be sitting by the roadside for a few hours. But to her credit, our little taxi brousse sputtered back into life and we were on our way again.

And somehow, these bruised and battered vehicles manage to keep going. Australia's bush mechanics have got nothing on their African counterparts.

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