Wednesday 15 June 2011

Random holiday reading...

Ahhh, I got around to spot (or ten) or reading on Ile Saint-Marie, and having read all the books that we both brought with us, I did find myself a big fat book by an author I would normally baulk at - Marian Keyes and her self-obsessed, girly, relationship-focussed rubbish - but to her credit the book seems fun so far, and I must admit I enjoyed it in the end.

But what treasures a hotel's bookshelf can hold. I came across a rather interesting book called "Les Apparitions d'Humanoids: 202 recontres du 3eme type, 26 Portraits-Robots". RANDOM! Its full of kids'-style drawings of UFOs, aliens, maps of alien sightings in France and other strange bits of information. Eric Zurcher, author, must be an interesting fellow, and possibly a man-child, given his drawings.

The cover even says "COLLECTION Connaissance de l'etrange."

Something for all you UFO-obsessed strange people out there.

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